
Monday, 15 April 2013

An elephant stuck on the power line

It was a cold, grey morning. I looked out the blurry glass of my window. Miserable! Wet and cold, again! What the....?
There was an elephant that was stuck on the power line.
It was a baby elephant it was sad and  i wondered how did the baby elephant get up there.
It must of been the lightning and the baby elephant must of been running from the lighting and it got trapped.

The baby elephant was crying it was cold and wanted it’s parents it tried to get out of the powrer line to get out of the trap but it could not get out.And the lighting it almost stroked at her.She was scared more
she was biting the rope she was still trying to get out  she was yelling like an  elephant.

The elephant bit it one more time she done her biggest bite she fell onto the ground and she was happy and then she was running to her family she was the happiest elephant in the world to be alive and when she got to her home she was nice and warm.

1 comment:

Nikki said...

Hi there it is nikki I like what you have wrote about a eliphant being stuck on a power line it was funny keep up the good work

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