
Monday, 11 May 2015

Why It's Important To Have Class Rules?

If there were no rules in classes, there will be chaos and violence. People will be doing drugs, booze and stealing cash and be addicted to drugs. The school will be upside down and all the kids will start fights and start trouble. That’s why there’s rules at school so kids like us can get an education. Students who follow the rules might get a scholarship to go to University.

People will be doing graffiting around the school and smashing windows and there will be violent towards the teachers. Teachers will be hurting the children which is called child abuse. That’s what makes chaos and mayhem. Then the school will become an abandoned school.

There will be no more teachers no more students and more mayhem or chaos. The school would look gross with all the graffiti around the school and rubbish all over the grounds. Teachers will get locked up for child abuse.

But if there was no fighting there will be peace. If there were no swear words there will be no mayhem and chaos and other bad stuff like doing drugs and running away from school. The school will have justice and people will have faith in themselves. So thats why there’s rules at school so kids have a chance to go to University and get himself or herself a job. They might have kids that will follow in their footsteps.

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