
Friday, 23 May 2014

Hiwarau Guitars.

Guitars are cool instruments to play. Some people like playing guitars and some don’t. You can make songs from guitars. I like it when people play guitars because it can make other people play guitars and other instruments.

When people strum guitars it vibrates and it shakes. You can hear the noise coming from the back of the guitar. The hole on the guitar helps it make noise. So if the guitar didn't have a hole and it is not shaped the way it is it wouldn't make the same sound.

A guitar has six metal strings,and tuning pegs. Guitars are made from wood, guitars can play melodies and harmonies. The metal wires are to help guitars play. Because if a guitar did not have any strings it won't play any music.

When you play music the sound waves vibrate the air molecules, it’s the same with a guitar. When you strum it, the strings vibrate. It will make lots of sound when you play an instrument. An instrument is like a guitar, drum, violin, piano, trumpet. Those are some instrument that you can play.

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