
Monday, 26 May 2014

Sciece Road Show.

On Friday morning class 2 walked down to Tamaki College. Once we got to Tamaki College this man named Sean he is so tall he has to duck to go under the door. When we got in the room there was 2men and 1 lady. They were telling us about science. They told us they needed 3 volunteers.

So the 3 volunteers they picked was Iisa and Emmy and Anthony. When Iisa stood up he had to put on a blind fold. When the scientist said he had to pick food. There was one bad food and one good food Iisa had to pick one with the blindfold on. The lady put the food on one hand and then the other.

He had to put one hand up and it was the good food. Then he had to go find some water? So the lady went to put on a picture of a lion and a pitcher of a crocodile. He had to try and pick the right picture. He picked the wrong picture he pick the lion. he wanted to have water but he got the wrong one he was supposed to pick the crocodile.

Now it was Emmys turn. The scientist asked her if she had asmar and she said no.
There was this big mug with a tube on it. the lady asked her to blow on it So she did the.Then the blue water turned into a different color water and it looked cool when blew in to it and the it chand into another color.

Now it’s Anthony’s turn. The lady asked him questions. She said to him how old is he and when is his birthday so he told her. Then she typed it on the ipad. Then it said in 20 years he would be like 3 or 4 foot in 20 years and it was fun listening to the scientist and them for teaching us stuff that we could do.

When the scientist told us that we could play on any material they bring to Tamaki College.
The first thing I picked was the piano it was cool because when you stand on the keys it plays.
After that I went to play on the hot air balloon you  have to hold the hot air balloon and hold the button until it heated up and then you let it go and then it went high.

1 comment:

Mrs Lagitupu said...

Hi Hiwarau

This is a really good piece of writing from you. I like how you have tried to describe in detail what happened at the Science Roadshow. You have quite a good memory to be able to recount what happened. Well done.

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